Sauerkraut, Avocado & Cumin Bowl
A fantastic way to use sauerkraut, pickled cabbage or any fermented veggies. Works great with kimchi too.

I’m eating a LOT of sauerkraut right now. I mean, Eastern European amounts. I think I’d enjoy Eastern Europe… I really must spend some more time there.
If you’d like to join me in eating lots of sauerkraut (but not on hols in Eastern Europe) then I’ve got the perfect recipe here for you. But why would you want to eat lots of sauerkraut?
Well as it turns out, this stuff is really good for your gut (and so much more). And if you’re like me right now – having had an issue with any type of parasite – by eating sauerkraut, you’re creating an environment those little critters really don’t like at all.
Sauerkraut is also a great way to get large amounts of Vitamin C into your system, so much so that Captain James Cook packed it for his crew to fight off scurvy in ye olden days.
I don’t plan to travel to Eastern Europe on a tall ship – although the more I think about it, the more I like the idea – but I do intend to make those pesky parasites walk the plank. A tiny little plank, to their deaths.
Making a main meal out of Sauerkraut is the way to go here. Varying the type of kraut you make will also stop you from getting bored. For a fool-proof Sauerkraut recipe, we’ve got you covered here:
That recipe uses just white cabbage. For the colour you see in this pic, use half white and half purple.
Here's a video that will help too:
Oh, and before you say that I’ve called it a ‘bowl’, but in the pic it’s a plate, hold on, because I normally do eat it out of a bowl. . .quick and dirty. But that doesn’t make a very nice picture. And I like nice pictures. 🙂
If you’d like a deeper dive into all things fermented, check out our Raw Fermentation at Home Online Course.
Sauerkraut Avocado & Cumin Bowl Recipe
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