"I want to grow & learn as much as I can about this cuisine. It’s an investment in myself"

If you want a well-rounded understanding of raw food (such as techniques & flavour combinations) so you don't NEED a recipe, join every course we offer and save $494. It's called The Raw Chef Premium.

Want to master raw food, but feel confused (and a little excited)?

Are you ready to dive into everything raw food has to offer?
Are you fed up of trying to learn from cookbooks?
Do you want to learn chef techniques for home use (and maybe professional use too)?

What's Included In The Raw Chef Premium?

The Raw Chef Premium Bundle gives you unlimited access to all The Raw Chef courses. That means lifetime access to everything we have right now plus you’ll also get the highest level of support…

Have questions? Email me hello@therawchef.com

The food you eat has a huge effect on how you look, feel and think.

The good news is that you’re only one meal away from being a healthy eater.

Log in with you get by email

Your details will be with you in under 30 minutes from when you join the course.
Watch the lessons and make the recipes

You’ll have unlimited access. Mark them complete as you go, so you can keep track of your progress.
Get support along the way

Under each video, in each lesson, there’s a space for you to ask questions. So whether you want to check you’re doing it right, ask about ingredients or techniques, or share a success (and pictures!), we’re in there all the time responding to those.
Member Forums

Public forums can be hit and miss. Whether that be on a website, or in a Facebook Group. Our member-only forums are friendly and supportive. You’ll be able to feel confident about sharing and receiving help from other members, as well as Amy and me.

Be mentored through a complete journey of raw food preparation; from everyday meals to advanced desserts and chocolate.

"I have been dabbling here and there with raw food. I now want to kick it into gear and do it the right way."

We've had over 8000 students go through these courses. Some people use them to master raw food at home, some take the skills they learn in these courses to start businesses and offer professional products and services.

What’s Inside the Course?

  • Over 400 HD video lessons
  • All with downloadable recipe worksheets and/or recipe PDFs
  • Ability to ask questions of your instructor under each lesson
  • Forum to connect with your fellow students

The Courses

All courses are delivered on the Circle Community platform. Of all the platforms we've used in the past, we're found this is by far the most effective. That's because it's easy for YOU to navigate, get help and track your progress. This means you can start at the beginning and work your way through, or you can jump in and out of what interests you the most, knowing that you progress will be saved for when you come back.

Weekday Raw

Over 120 video lessons of simple raw foods for your weekdays

Click here to open this course in a new window

The Raw Chef at Home

10 modules of in-depth raw food training. Whether you want to eat raw sandwiches every day, or put on a show stopping dinner party for friends, this course has it all.

Click here to open this course in a new window

Raw Desserts at Home

10 modules of phenomenal raw desserts training. From everyday raw desserts to dinner party favourites.

Click here to open this course in a new window

Raw Food Styling

How to up your raw food photography game and take stunning pictures for social media and websites. 

Modern Raw Desserts

Next Level raw desserts from Amy Levin. Restaurant quality desserts at home.

Click here to open this course in a new window

Raw Chocolate at Home

6 different courses of raw chocolate training. Helping you to make incredible raw chocolates at home.

The Raw Chef Premium 12 x $79 (save $245)

Or one payment of $795 (save $398)

Enrol now

Learn at Your Own Pace ⬇️

All courses, lifetime access

You can master the full spectrum of raw food in your own time, with no limits on access.

Exclusive Online Access ⬇️

Learn anywhere from any device

Access the courses on any of your devices. Take your device into the kitchen and follow along or check in on your progress, posts and questions any time.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee ⬇️

There’s no risk to you at all

The Raw Chef Premium comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Just try the course, start making raw food meals and feel the benefits.

Free yourself from cookbooks, YouTube searches and complicated, overwhelming recipes ⬇️

What if you could learn to understand raw food techniques and adapt foods you love?

That's our aim for this bundle of courses that make up a full raw food curriculum.

The courses are taught by me (Russell), creator of The Raw Chef and Amy Levin, who I consider the best in the world at natural desserts at chocolate.

A little background on me (if you'll allow me the indulgence).

It wasn’t until the age of 28 in 2004 when I was in Koh Samui, Thailand, doing a fast to clear up the acne that had developed during my time at a fast food restaurant that I discovered raw food.

I quickly got excited about the vibrancy and creativity of raw foods and the health benefits they bring. Spurred on by the fact that I'd never heard of raw food and with a desire to bring it into mainstream awareness in a way that is fun and modern, I set about following my passion, at first as a hobby, then as a professional Raw Food Chef.

Whilst posting pictures of my food on my blog people started to notice and comment on how great my food looked. I discovered techniques and an ability to create raw recipes from widely available ingredients. So I started teaching people in my local area.

News spread and I soon found himself teaching people from all over the UK and even people from other countries in Europe and the US, who would travel to come to my classes.

I felt that my passion in life was to make raw food accessible every day, for anyone who needed the technical knowledge to make it work.

I've been fortunate to teach thousands of people worldwide about raw foods, both through my blog, live classes and online livestreams and courses.

When you buy this raw food curriculum course, you will:

  • Learn from our entire lineup of courses, like thousands of others have, how to make raw food a part of your life, to whatever level you desire. You will completely understand how to put together raw food meals, not just by following recipes, but from the techniques you’ll learn, so you don’t have to rely on a recipe.
  • Learn the secret to flavour balancing so meals are super-tasty, plus detailed charts and references so you can combine herbs and spices like a pro.
  • Get so good at making raw food that you’ll be able to create any meal you want, whether it’s eating raw sandwiches all week or put on a show-stopping dinner party for friends.
  • Learn everything to do with making natural chocolate and desserts, from the basics to restaurant quality desserts.
  • Take this as far as you want - of the thousands of people that have been through our courses many have started to offer professional services, either as an addon to their holistic business, or in their own right.

If you’re looking to make raw food an exciting part of your life, The Raw Chef Premium will give you the skills, recipes, and techniques to eat raw or entertain with raw food as often as you like – and love it every time.

It’s worth thinking about how much better you’ll feel after adding more raw food into your life… When you’re truly excited about raw food and the possibilities of what you can create, you’ll stop needing discipline and willpower to make great choices for your health.

The sooner that you start these courses, the sooner that you’ll transform your health by eating more raw foods.

The Raw Chef Premium $699 (save $494)

LIFETIME ACCESS + get access to all livestream replays

Enrol now

Questions?  Drop us an email, we’d be happy to help hello@therawchef.com

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